Evan McAuley, M.M.

a pedagogue with a cheerful and professional attitude who enjoys sharing their passion for piano with others

Teacher for all age groups

Evan is known for his patient and inviting style of teaching, and finds joy in helping students achieve their musical goals, no matter the size.

Active in research

Evan has explored a variety of topics during his studies at both Capital University and Ohio University.

My Teaching Philosophy

As someone who has taught in the piano pedagogy field for the past five years, I have always made the success of my students my first priority.  Throughout my five years of teaching, I have become more sensitive to the general concerns and problems that my students may face during their week of isolated practice.  Because of this, I consistently make it my goal to clarify even the tiniest shred of doubt that any student may have, in the hopes of eliminating potential roadblocks and worries they may hit.  I refuse to end a piano lesson until I believe a student is fully and properly prepared for a week of practice.  I also alleviate these concerns by staying in contact with students, especially right after their lessons (to clarify and outline all expected assignments for our next meeting).  I additionally am happy to field any questions throughout the week from either the student or the parent; I encourage this atmosphere, because I truly hope each student’s lesson builds upon another in a curricular fashion.  This cannot happen if students are still clarifying assignments from last week’s lesson.  A piano curriculum is detrimental simultaneously to the student, parent, and teacher if it only relies on monotonously moving page by page through a lesson book.  Each student must be met weekly with any personal and performative challenges they face; it is the teacher’s job to cater to this while encouraging the student to push themselves to the best of the student’s abilities.

Book a trial lesson with Evan today.